Thursday 29 November 2007

photography class' exercises

photography exercise 1: zoom
full zoom, half zoom, without zoom.

photography exercise 3: shutter speed
fast, slow, mixed

Tuesday 27 November 2007

an artist

You are not a woman;
You are an artist.

Of course, you are a woman;
But before that, you are first and foremost an artist.

When, will you silly wench cease your futile hopes,
and pointless emotions?
How many times will you repeat this over and over again?

It will fade away and turn bitter, definitely.
But your art is lasting and steady.

The tenacious pain is food for your art.
Therefore, fear not, fret not about this pain.

The life of an artist is to lift the burdens of others around.
They are to push themselves beyond their limits and cause others to laugh.

Yes, they may weep and mourn.
But they may not do so for long.
They must gather themselves promptly,
and get about their mission again.

You seek a love that is real and tangible like the rock.
You seek a love that is slow and steady like adagio.
You seek a love that is sincere and kind like as if it's possible.

But I tell you, you have been seeking in the wrong place all this while.
A love like this is only found in agape love,
which only can be found in God's love.

Alternatively, you can seek this love in art.
Art that is real and tangible like the rock;
Art that is slow and steady like adagio;
Art that is sincere and kind which is definitely possible.

Therefore, I tell you, poor wretch,
throw away your futile hopes and pointless emotions.

Yes, you are a woman.
But before you remember and become an artist again,
forget that you are a woman at all.

Your life is meant for His purposes.
Glorify Him with your art.
Reaching others with your art was what He had intended all along.

Saturday 10 November 2007

picturing me

A Facebook personality test.
Pretty accurate, it seems.

Nothing seems to bother you - you sail through life crisis free. It's not that your life doesn't have its ups and downs, it's just that you handle everything without unnecessary drama and antics. You approach each day fresh, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. You are confident that you can handle anything that comes your way and experience has shown that you are absolutely right about this.

You are continually pursuing a simpler and less complicated life - you don't allow yourself to fall victim to all of the "should do's" that society continually bombards you with. You are thoughtful about your life choices and think in terms of yourself, others and the world in which we live. You have a great sense that we are part of something much bigger and we must be good to others, if we want others and the world to be good to us.

It's a good thing that you are filled with energy and ambitions (that others sometimes find exhausting) because you're continually looking for a new adventure and exciting experience. You struggle with a continual feeling of restlessness which constantly pushes you to the next level of excitement. Once you have accomplished one thing, you are eager to accomplish something more exciting, riskier and distinguishable.

For you passion is less about romance and sex - it's more about friendship and family. Strong emotional bonds and connections are your passion and your pleasure. You always let your loved ones know how much you love, respect and admire them. You do this through kind words, loving actions and simple gestures. You count your blessings each day and express your love openly. You expect the same from others.