Saturday 15 August 2009

The Creative

Original. Complex. Deep. Independent. Risk-taking. Perseverant. Diligent. Curious. Humourous. Spontaneous. Playful. Childlike. Enthusiastic. Energetic. Attracted to complexity and novelty. Artistic sense. Flexible. Open-minded to and excited by all possibilities and challenges. Tolerant of ambiguity. Courageous. Confident. Constructively discontented. Optimistically idealistic. Non-judgmental. Empathetic.

Saturday 1 August 2009

Your judgment, not theirs

By persevering and ignoring the detractors' negativism and attacks, I will experience a deep sense of meaning and high degree of satisfaction with my life.

Most importantly, when I get to heaven, I will hear You say, "Good and faithful servant, you have obeyed your calling and followed My will. I am therefore pleased with you."

By the Holy Spirit's empowerment, I shall remember to see beyond their behaviours, and see their hurts instead, and how they are being made use of by the evil one. I will be enabled to not provoke them - unwittingly or not - but to help them experience You.

When one has caught a glimpse of Your beauty, one can give everything up for You.

To be a creative person.

To be a creative teacher.

To be all that You want me to be.

Life - E's and F's

Mom went for a spiritual retreat and came across a poster that instantly reminded her of me.

The poster said: "To live life happily, you should possess 3 E's and 3 F's - Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy, Faith, Friends, Family."

"No wonder you're always happy and carefree", she said.

But of course, with anything, there's no absolute. "Usually" is more apt a word than "always".