Tuesday 30 September 2008


I learnt this quote from a friend, "A Christian without pain is like a flower with rain".

I realize this applies not only to Christians, but to Artists and Designers as well. So does this mean a Christian Designer/Artist need an extra dosage of pain in their daily walk?

Sadistic as I might sound, I believe pain is food for the artist's soul.
Masochistic as I might sound, I believe pain brings joy to the artist's life.
Radical as I might sound, I believe pain is inspiration for the artist's work.

Healthy pain is what I'm referring to, though.

I have to stop running away from healthy pain, but embrace pain from now on.

Some people are meant to have lives that are plainly and innocently joyful. Yet some people are meant to have lives that are bitterly joyful.

Just like eating fruits is necessary but have to be consumed in controlled and healthy portions, pain is necessary but have to be allowed into you in controlled and healthy portions.

Monday 29 September 2008

Revolutions can be better


Friday 19 September 2008

Only victories

After a miraculous deliverance from the Egyptians, the Israelites were complaining instead of thanking. Instead of a joyful and grateful spirit, they had a whiny and complaining attitude. He had already promised victories and the giving of the Promised Land to them, so they already have all that they need to victory.

Likewise, He has already given us His Word, His Spirit, His promises and His power. We're already bound for victory. There's no cause for complain, only plenty of reasons to thank Him. Move ahead with faith and thanksgiving, as we claim and proclaim the victory.

Show us how to use these resources You have richly blest us with, as You lead us into victory. Our faith is in You, we are Your children. 

Saturday 13 September 2008

Solutions to heavy workload and difficult people

Be faithful - and leave the results to God.

The closer you are to God, the more you'll have a heart for others.