Monday 8 December 2008

Everyone's irrational fear of beginning

Everyone's afraid of trying new things or 'learning things late' for fear of embarrassment. The older you get, the better you are expected to be with things. Which is why people rarely pick up a new skill or do anything the least bit radical as they age.

Yet if you recall, one of your happiest moments in life was when you were a toddler learning to walk. In those days, everything was new, fascinating and thrilling. The older you get, the more you try to suppress your excitement with anything new or different.

Why live your life so self-consciously? Why care so much about embarrassment? Is embarrassment worthy enough to make you live life wearily and lifelessly?

Do you beat yourself up mentally and spiritually in your inner dialogues? Do you disallow yourself happiness because you don't think you deserve to be happy? Do you hold yourself back from relationships because you're sure you'd mess up again? Are you settling for a relationship or career because you don't think you deserve anything better?

Let go. Be the change you want to see. Do something. Learn something. Ignore all of the others who are jealous of you and try to embarrass you. Pity them.

No one has everything, but you don't have to simply accept your inadequacies. Have the courage to accept what you can't change, and also the courage to change what you can. Don't feel sorry about yourself, but do something about it. It's alright not to be good enough yet. Just get on the path of self-improvement.

There would only be one 'you' for eternity. Treat yourself well with love, dignity and respect.