Thursday 11 June 2009

Nun not

I'm not living in a vow of self-imposed celibacy.

There have been guys I liked.

But I know we won't work out for sure, so I might as well save both parties heartbreaks by not starting anything in the first place.

I'm not fussy. It's just too tough to find someone uniquely compatible with anyone. I don't want to take this lightly. So either I be with the right one, or remain single always.

So people should stop speculating if I'm:
1. secretly having a relationship
2. seriously heartbroken before
3. affected by all the divorces/bad marriages around me
4. highly fussy
5. secretly lesbian

Silly people.

Also, seeing the state that our world is in and the many pressing issues around that sometimes depress me and other times stir me to feel I could do my little bit to help, romantic relationships naturally disinterest me.

Furthermore, there are still so many places I haven't been to and so many people from so many cultures that I've yet met. I doubt that if I'm committed to a romantic relationship, I can gain all these precious experiences. Then again, if that other half has the same vision and interests, we can even experience all these together. So it boils down to whether God actually has anyone in mind.

Though there are occasions, frankly, seeing how people fight uglily over life partners and seeing how marriages turn out so destructive, I hope that God has no one in mind for me. Occasionally.