As I age, I realize that it's because many people choose to live lives of a single hue, while I choose to live a life of a rainbow.
I'm not the Christian who listens only to Christian music. I'm not the artist who despises yuppies. I'm not the designer who finds engineers and scientists a bore. I'm not the musician who has eyes for nothing else.
It is not that I'm not singleminded, or that I'm unfaithful and distracted. On the contrary, it is precisely because I'm singleminded.
I'm singleminded in my pursuit to experience life in all its fullness. Frequently, even when I know clearly the painful consequences, I plunge head-in, so that I experience yet a new perspective and 'colour'.
I don't dismiss people, even when clear warning signs are given to indicate that they are 'bad news'. Even when past experiences suggest that these difficult people are possibly the same as the ones that had come before, I keep my arms wide open.
I was the jovial child. I was the angsty teen. I was the optimistic everything-will-turn-out-fine lass. I was the crybaby. I was the cynic. I was the trusting. I was the dreamer. I was the realist. I was everything.
Only this way, can I truly empathize with people from all walks. Only this way, can I sincerely weep for others, from my heart. Only this way can I comprehend this world in a much broader perspective, rather than from safety of a water-well's bottom.
Not that anything is wrong with people who choose to live monochromatic. We're all shaped uniquely. Some people strive for safety. We all have different priorities.
Why can't we all live harmoniously, recognizing that some people are just meant to be (or choose to be) colourful, and others, monochromatic? Neither is inherently wrong. Why does everyone instinctively gear for war against those who are different from them, even the slightest difference?
Judgment. Discrimination. Pride. Prejudice.