Monday 7 September 2009

Teach, not Advertise

I have always liked art. Since I was little, I've been naturally attracted to it. I've been attracted to the techniques, to the expressions, to the emotions, to the questioning provocation, to the evoking enlightenments, to the ugliness, to the beauty.

I wouldn't distinct art and design, but for discussion's sake, I shall generally speak of them in distinctions for now.

I was first attracted to Advertising Design after I saw inspiringly intelligent works that were minimal or even austere in embellishments, yet compellingly attention-grabbing and thought-provoking. When I switched to an arts college, booze, glamour and parties were remotely on my mind. Even when I was in college, I hardly partied. On the contrary, I mellowed down a great deal.

I thought Advertising is powerful, influential, and of great potential to do a great deal of good as it can positively influence the world to be compassionate and empathetic. Of course, I eventually see the insurmountable obstacle - apart from the difficulty in the dollar-and-cent industry itself - my personality is just not suitable.

Why not start from schools? Nurture the leaders of tomorrow. Teaching is tackling the problem directly and actively; Advertising is tackling the problem indirectly and somewhat passively.

This is why He plucked me from Advertising to Teaching - because it's a direct and active medium; it's the frontline.

I still cherish the hope of a better tomorrow; that if everyone just do a little bit, this world can become better.