Tuesday 13 October 2009

I have moved

I have moved.

Depending on which journal appeals to you more, bookmark it:

Janice Jumps : A journal on my happenings/activities.

Janice Grace : A journal on my contemplation.

Both journals are linked to the other.

Monday 7 September 2009

Teach, not Advertise

I have always liked art. Since I was little, I've been naturally attracted to it. I've been attracted to the techniques, to the expressions, to the emotions, to the questioning provocation, to the evoking enlightenments, to the ugliness, to the beauty.

I wouldn't distinct art and design, but for discussion's sake, I shall generally speak of them in distinctions for now.

I was first attracted to Advertising Design after I saw inspiringly intelligent works that were minimal or even austere in embellishments, yet compellingly attention-grabbing and thought-provoking. When I switched to an arts college, booze, glamour and parties were remotely on my mind. Even when I was in college, I hardly partied. On the contrary, I mellowed down a great deal.

I thought Advertising is powerful, influential, and of great potential to do a great deal of good as it can positively influence the world to be compassionate and empathetic. Of course, I eventually see the insurmountable obstacle - apart from the difficulty in the dollar-and-cent industry itself - my personality is just not suitable.

Why not start from schools? Nurture the leaders of tomorrow. Teaching is tackling the problem directly and actively; Advertising is tackling the problem indirectly and somewhat passively.

This is why He plucked me from Advertising to Teaching - because it's a direct and active medium; it's the frontline.

I still cherish the hope of a better tomorrow; that if everyone just do a little bit, this world can become better.

Saturday 15 August 2009

The Creative

Original. Complex. Deep. Independent. Risk-taking. Perseverant. Diligent. Curious. Humourous. Spontaneous. Playful. Childlike. Enthusiastic. Energetic. Attracted to complexity and novelty. Artistic sense. Flexible. Open-minded to and excited by all possibilities and challenges. Tolerant of ambiguity. Courageous. Confident. Constructively discontented. Optimistically idealistic. Non-judgmental. Empathetic.

Saturday 1 August 2009

Your judgment, not theirs

By persevering and ignoring the detractors' negativism and attacks, I will experience a deep sense of meaning and high degree of satisfaction with my life.

Most importantly, when I get to heaven, I will hear You say, "Good and faithful servant, you have obeyed your calling and followed My will. I am therefore pleased with you."

By the Holy Spirit's empowerment, I shall remember to see beyond their behaviours, and see their hurts instead, and how they are being made use of by the evil one. I will be enabled to not provoke them - unwittingly or not - but to help them experience You.

When one has caught a glimpse of Your beauty, one can give everything up for You.

To be a creative person.

To be a creative teacher.

To be all that You want me to be.

Life - E's and F's

Mom went for a spiritual retreat and came across a poster that instantly reminded her of me.

The poster said: "To live life happily, you should possess 3 E's and 3 F's - Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy, Faith, Friends, Family."

"No wonder you're always happy and carefree", she said.

But of course, with anything, there's no absolute. "Usually" is more apt a word than "always".

Thursday 30 July 2009

Live rainbow

I've come across so many people who get so shocked when others do not have knowledge of pieces of information that are of interest to the former. Often, their shock encompasses horror, disbelief and alarm. I used to be so taken aback by how worked up people can get.

As I age, I realize that it's because many people choose to live lives of a single hue, while I choose to live a life of a rainbow.

I'm not the Christian who listens only to Christian music. I'm not the artist who despises yuppies. I'm not the designer who finds engineers and scientists a bore. I'm not the musician who has eyes for nothing else.

It is not that I'm not singleminded, or that I'm unfaithful and distracted. On the contrary, it is precisely because I'm singleminded.

I'm singleminded in my pursuit to experience life in all its fullness. Frequently, even when I know clearly the painful consequences, I plunge head-in, so that I experience yet a new perspective and 'colour'.

I don't dismiss people, even when clear warning signs are given to indicate that they are 'bad news'. Even when past experiences suggest that these difficult people are possibly the same as the ones that had come before, I keep my arms wide open.

I was the jovial child. I was the angsty teen. I was the optimistic everything-will-turn-out-fine lass. I was the crybaby. I was the cynic. I was the trusting. I was the dreamer. I was the realist. I was everything.

Only this way, can I truly empathize with people from all walks. Only this way, can I sincerely weep for others, from my heart. Only this way can I comprehend this world in a much broader perspective, rather than from safety of a water-well's bottom.

Not that anything is wrong with people who choose to live monochromatic. We're all shaped uniquely. Some people strive for safety. We all have different priorities.

Why can't we all live harmoniously, recognizing that some people are just meant to be (or choose to be) colourful, and others, monochromatic? Neither is inherently wrong. Why does everyone instinctively gear for war against those who are different from them, even the slightest difference?

Judgment. Discrimination. Pride. Prejudice.


Tuesday 28 July 2009

Copycats - downfall of a civilization

One factor that can lead to the downfall of a civilization/society/empire/nature, is the lack of creativity.

When people cease to contemplate the old ways that were created to suit the old times, and continually apply old ways in changing times, leading to the gradual but definite and unnoticeable degradation of a society.

Art is vital. Creativity is fundamental for survival.

Even cavemen and hunter-gatherers don't rigidly adhere to the old ways, but rather, they apply the experienced, tried and tested methods flexibly to their environment at their point of existence. They adapt creatively. Those who don't, usually die.

Creativity is not stereotypically all about glitz and glamour.


Sunday 26 July 2009

Random joke

My mom hurriedly wrote a birthday greeting to my 8 year-old cousin on a Red Packet.

This is what she wrote:

Dear Callista,

Happy Birthday!

Aunty Helen
Niece Janice

Friday 24 July 2009

Managing giving

There have been too many VDPs (Very Draining Persons), and too little VIPs (Very Inspiring Persons).

Indiscriminating VIPs have to learn to exercise well people and time management skills, lest they burn themselves out, or fall into the VDP category.

There's a point when we need to know when to stop for a while because we all have a threshold and a certain breaking point.

Which is why we need rejuvenation, encouragement and inspiration/cheering up from the VIPs, instead of leading a life perpetually hounded and drained by selfish (whether consciously or subconsciously) VDPs.